Vaccine Delivery Devices Market

Market Study on Vaccine Delivery Devices: Rising Digital Health Integration, PMR Foresees Various Opportunities for Vaccine Delivery Devices Manufacturers on the Horizon!

A Detailed Analysis of the Vaccine Delivery Devices Market Based on Rising Incidence of Infectious Diseases, New Product Launches and Expanding Immunization Programs.

Industry: Healthcare

Published Date: January-2024

Format: PPT*, PDF, EXCEL

Delivery Timelines: Contact Sales

Number of Pages: 194

Report ID: PMRREP33912

Report Price

$ 4900*

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Vaccine Delivery Devices Market

The global Vaccine Delivery Devices market is forecasted to expand at a CAGR of 7.1% and thereby increase from a value of US$ 5,160.0 million in 2023 to US$ 8,340.2 million by the end of 2030.


Key Insights

Vaccine Delivery Devices Market Size (2023E)

US$ 5,160.0 Million

Projected Market Value (2030F)

US$ 8,340.2 Million

Global Market Growth Rate (2023 to 2030)

7.1% CAGR

Historical Market Growth Rate (2018 to 2022)

6.3% CAGR

Revenue Share of Top Four Countries (2022E)


Market Introduction and Definition

As a preventive measure, the rise in infectious diseases demands a greater vaccine demand. This growing demand directly affects the requirement for effective vaccine delivery technologies to guarantee the proper administration of vaccinations. Vaccination programs are implemented and expanded by governments and healthcare organizations in response to the increasing prevalence of infectious illnesses. This growth creates a more expansive market for vaccine delivery systems, meeting the various requirements of these initiatives. Vaccine development is crucial because new pathogens, like viruses or drug-resistant bacteria strains, constantly emerge. In response to these new challenges, producers of vaccine delivery devices develop cutting-edge strategies to fight infectious illnesses that are changing with time. Well-publicized outbreaks such as the COVID-19 pandemic underscore the worldwide requirement for efficient pandemic preparedness. This emphasizes the need for cutting-edge vaccine delivery methods and entails creating vaccines and setting up effective distribution systems.

Governments devote significant money to addressing the growing burden of infectious diseases. This covers the costs of developing vaccines and building the infrastructure required to administer vaccines. The market for vaccine delivery devices is expected to develop due to government initiatives. To fight infectious diseases, international organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) actively participate in global health initiatives. These programs frequently entail widespread immunization drives, raising the need for global vaccine delivery systems. The industry of vaccine delivery devices has more room for research and development as the need for vaccinations to prevent infectious diseases grows. Manufacturers make investments in developing cutting-edge, effective, and patient-friendly delivery systems.

Market Growth Drivers

Expanding Immunization Programs to Drive Market Growth

The growth of immunization campaigns raises the need for vaccinations, which raises the need for dependable and effective vaccine delivery systems. Appropriate delivery systems are becoming more and more necessary as more people and groups are targeted for vaccinations. As immunization programs grow, more people of different ages and backgrounds receive various vaccines. Due to the variation in vaccination rates, a wider range of delivery systems customized to meet each vaccine's unique needs is needed, expanding the market. Compatible delivery systems are needed as immunization programs grow to include new vaccines for existing diseases or to address emerging infectious diseases. As a result, the market for vaccine delivery devices has become more innovative to meet the needs of new vaccinations. Expanding immunization programs frequently entails reaching out to underserved and isolated communities. Manufacturers of vaccine delivery devices now have the chance to build solutions that work in various healthcare settings and with different infrastructure capacities due to this geographic expansion.

In addition, raising awareness and encouraging participation is the focus of immunization as preventive healthcare. The use of effective and user-friendly vaccine delivery methods is encouraged by this cultural change towards preventive measures, which in turn drives market growth. Governments actively sponsor and provide money for immunization programs, allocating funds for the vaccines and the infrastructure required for their delivery. Due to this financial support, the market for vaccine delivery devices is expected to develop. Raising awareness and acceptance of the advantages of immunization is facilitated by public health initiatives. The market for effective vaccine delivery devices grows when more people get vaccinated. This is because there is a greater need for these devices.

Market Restraints

High Initial Costs to Hinder Market Growth

Healthcare providers may struggle need to help cover the upfront expenditures of purchasing cutting-edge vaccination delivery technologies, particularly in environments with limited resources. This can make it more difficult for new technology to be adopted in areas where financial limitations are a major factor. All healthcare institutions, including private clinics and public health departments, are subject to financial restrictions. Delays or a reluctance to invest in new technologies may arise from the high initial costs of vaccine delivery devices, creating competing priorities. Investing in pricey vaccine delivery systems may be challenging in developing regions due to a lack of infrastructure and healthcare resources. This leads to inequalities in access to cutting-edge medical technologies, which impacts the fair allocation of immunization services.

Needle Phobia and Vaccine Hesitancy

The demand for vaccine delivery devices may be impacted by needle phobia and vaccine hesitancy, which can result in decreased immunization acceptability. People who avoid or postpone immunization may limit the market potential due to needle phobia or hesitation. Reluctance to vaccinate can lead to reduced vaccination rates, reducing the demand for inventive and effective vaccine delivery systems. For immunization programs to be successful and for the related market to expand, high vaccination coverage is necessary. Attempts to accomplish public health objectives about disease prevention and control may be hampered by vaccination reluctance and needle fear. Decreased vaccination rates can affect the general health of populations and communities by causing outbreaks of diseases that can be prevented.


Rising Digital Health Integration

Integrating digital health allows the monitoring of immunization procedures and patient compliance remotely. Healthcare practitioners can track immunizations in real time by connecting vaccine delivery equipment to digital platforms, improving overall administration and compliance. A plethora of information on vaccine delivery is made available by digital health technology, such as administration rates, patient reactions, and supply chain details. By facilitating informed decision-making, analyzing this data aids healthcare providers in optimizing their immunization plans. Increased patient engagement is fostered through integration with digital health platforms. To improve adherence and overall healthcare results, patients can schedule reminders, obtain post-vaccination support, and receive personalized vaccine information. Integrating telehealth platforms with vaccination administration equipment makes remote consultations and advice possible. Healthcare providers can evaluate immunization requirements at a distance, offer advice, and handle issues, fostering inclusivity and accessibility.

Moreover, devices for delivering vaccines with digital health capabilities support the monitoring and reporting of immunization campaigns in real time. This ability allows for quick reactions to newly developing infectious diseases and facilitates efficient crisis management, making it particularly useful in times of public health emergency. The effective inventory management of vaccinations and related supplies is facilitated by digital integration. By keeping track of stock levels, expiration dates, and distribution patterns, automated systems help ensure a steady supply of vaccinations and reduce waste. The documentation process is streamlined through integration with electronic health records. Digital health systems can automatically update patient records, guaranteeing healthcare professionals have correct and current information and enabling a smooth transition of care.

Analyst Viewpoint

What do our Analysts Predict for the Future of the Vaccine Delivery Devices Market?

According to PMR, the vaccine delivery devices market is expected to grow and thrive in the future, which cites many important drivers. A major driver is anticipated to be the increasing worldwide emphasis on vaccination as the first line of defense against various diseases, mostly infectious ones. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is likely to be a continued need for enhanced delivery devices due to the increased understanding of the significance of mass vaccination programs. Innovations in vaccination delivery systems will determine how the market is shaped. For example, needle-free injectors are becoming more popular because they may increase patient compliance and lessen anxiety related to needles. The field of vaccine delivery is expected to undergo a revolution with the introduction of wearable devices, which will give healthcare practitioners and patients convenient and effective options.

The market will continue to grow as governments and healthcare organizations worldwide prepare to commit significant funds to support immunization programs. The need for increasingly advanced and accurate delivery devices is projected to be driven by the ongoing development of innovative vaccines against newly developing infectious illnesses and a growing emphasis on personalized treatment. Pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of devices are anticipated to work together more closely to develop integrated solutions that improve immunization procedures overall. The development of creative, practical, and affordable delivery devices will probably be aided by the collaboration of many players in the healthcare ecosystem.

Supply-side Dynamics

The US is at the forefront of developing high-tech devices; companies like Becton Dickinson (BD), Corning, and Schott AG manufacture sophisticated syringes, needles, and auto-injectors. Additionally, they greatly impact vial filling and finishing technologies and prefilled syringes. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) establishes strict guidelines for the efficacy and safety of devices, impacting international laws and the global development of secure and reliable vaccination delivery systems. Germany (Gerresheimer, Schott) and Switzerland (Nipro, Ypsomed), two countries renowned for precise engineering, lead the world in premium glass vials, prefilled syringes, and injection devices. They also support delivery technologies that do not require needles. With companies such as Shandong Weigao and Jiangsu Yuyue Medical Group producing a range of devices at low prices, China is quickly becoming a prominent competitor. Japan (Terumo, Nipro) is a leader in auto-injectors and premium prefilled syringes.

Additionally, relatively high consumption is caused by a strong healthcare infrastructure, extensive immunization programs, and cutting-edge VDD technology. Auto-injectors, prefilled syringes, and advanced syringes are commonly utilized in the United States. Consumption trends vary throughout large and diverse regions. Advanced VDDs are used in developed nations like South Korea and Japan, while others rely more on simple syringes and vials because of financial limitations. In Latin America, Private efforts provide access to more advanced choices, while public healthcare institutions supply basic VDDs for necessary vaccines. With rising vaccination rates and economic growth, consumption habits are changing.

Vaccine Delivery Devices Market Segmentation

Which Devices Are Expected to Benefit the Most from Revenue Generation?

Extensive Sales for Syringes Category Due to Increasing Demand for Versatility

The device segment is segmented into syringes, jet injectors, and other devices. The syringe segment is expected to dominate the market. Syringes provide flexibility in administering various vaccinations, including liquid and, when reconstituted, some lyophilized (freeze-dried) vaccines. Because of their flexibility, syringes can be used in various immunization situations. Nonetheless, the jet injectors segment of the vaccine delivery devices market is expanding at the quickest rate. The needle phobia and discomfort associated with traditional syringes are addressed by jet injectors, which provide a needle-free vaccine administration option. This attribute draws those who are needle-phobic to them, which could lead to a rise in vaccination acceptability overall.

What Route of Administration Will Be Targeted the Most Category?

Highest Percent Share Attributed to Intradermal Owing to Enhanced Immunogenicity

The route of administration segment is bifurcated into intradermal, intramuscular, subcutaneous, and other. The intradermal market segment is the largest for vaccine delivery devices. The intradermal technique may enhance immunogenicity by directly interacting with skin-derived immune cells. This may result in strong immune responses, which is necessary for certain immunizations to be effective. Nevertheless, the market segment exhibiting the most rapid growth is intramuscular. A broad spectrum of vaccinations, including those that are live-attenuated or inactivated, can be administered via the IM route due to its versatility. Because of its adaptability, intramuscular delivery is recommended for administering vaccines, booster shots, and routine immunizations to individuals of various ages.

Top Regional Markets

Why is North America Emerging as a Dominating Region?

Increasing Advanced Healthcare Infrastructure to Drive Market Growth

The advanced healthcare system in North America features effective vaccine delivery networks. This makes it easier for vaccine delivery devices to be quickly and widely deployed, guaranteeing timely access to immunization services across various geographic areas. North America's sophisticated healthcare systems make cutting-edge medical technologies available to its citizens. This promotes a dynamic and competitive market environment by facilitating the creation and uptake of novel vaccination delivery systems. The tracking and recording of immunization histories are made easier in North American healthcare systems by the integration of EHRs. This integration supports the smooth integration of vaccine delivery devices into patient care workflows. Research & development for pharmaceuticals and medical devices is heavily concentrated in North America. The healthcare infrastructure in the area encourages research, industry, and academic institutions to work together, which results in ongoing advancements in vaccine delivery technologies.

What Opportunities Lie in Asia Pacific for Manufacturers?

Government Investments in Healthcare to Advance Market Growth

Government funding is used to support the development of clinics, hospitals, and immunization facilities, among other elements of the healthcare infrastructure. This improved infrastructure makes distributing and using vaccine delivery devices easier. Governments can offer healthcare providers incentives or subsidies to encourage the use of cutting-edge vaccine delivery systems. Financial assistance promotes the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and increases the accessibility of these gadgets. In the Asia Pacific area, cooperation between governmental bodies and collaborators from the business sector is typical. By combining government funding and private sector know-how, public-private partnerships can speed up the creation, production, and distribution of vaccine delivery systems. Funds for emergency preparedness are frequently included in government investments, particularly in the wake of major global health emergencies. The creation and implementation of reliable vaccine delivery systems, including those that can manage mass immunization campaigns in times of emergency, are supported by this funding.

Competitive Intelligence and Business Strategy

Prominent organizations, including Becton Dickinson & Company and SCHOTT AG, are at the vanguard of this sector; BD is a preferred provider for regular and large-scale immunization programs because of its robust presence in traditional syringes and needles. BD is a leading innovator in vector delivery devices (VDDs), focusing on discomfort, waste, and patient compliance. These innovative devices include needle-free injectors (BD SoloShotTM, AdiantumTM), microneedle patches (BD PatchStarTM), and more. BD creates customized products for certain vaccinations, such as intradermal injectors for rabies vaccines and prefilled syringes for biologics. BD makes significant investments in research and development (R&D) to keep ahead of the curve. It is actively creating next-generation VDDs with features like data tracking, thermostability integration, and smart connection. BD works with both to promote innovation and turn promising research into VDDs ready for the market. To reduce waste and address environmental issues, BD prioritizes creating environmentally friendly VDDs using biodegradable materials.

SCHOTT is a prominent producer of premium borosilicate glass vials, widely regarded as the benchmark for vaccine packaging because of their durability, clarity, and chemical resistance. SCHOTT creates novel glass formulations and packaging technologies, such as OPTIMATM vials that provide better drug compatibility, a longer shelf life, and a smaller environmental footprint. SCHOTT offers specialized vial designs and closures to meet the demands of vaccines that need special packaging, including biologics and lyophilized vaccines. SCHOTT develops and incorporates glass vials into devices in partnership with VDD manufacturers, such as Becton Dickinson and Gerresheimer. To investigate novel vaccine packaging technologies and enhance compatibility with vaccine delivery devices (VDDs), SCHOTT actively engages in research and development partnerships with pharmaceutical firms, academic institutions, and research centers.

Key Recent Developments

New Product Launch

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) launched a clinical trial in March 2022 to assess three HIV vaccines in the preclinical stage. The vaccinations rely on a messenger RNA (mRNA) platform, a technology previously employed in several licensed Covid-19 vaccines.

Market Impact: increased funding from pharmaceutical corporations and academic institutions for mRNA technology platforms for HIV vaccine development. This may result in collaborations, mergers, and acquisitions between industry participants. Possibilities for funding and collaborations for smaller biotech firms with an emphasis on HIV research and mRNA technology. There is an increased need for specialized tools, supplies, and a logistical system to enable the mass manufacturing and delivery of HIV vaccines based on mRNA.

In January 2022, Pfizer and Acuitas Therapeutics signed a partnership agreement for a lipid nanoparticle delivery system for mRNA vaccines and therapeutics.

Market Impact: Pfizer may accelerate the development of novel mRNA vaccines and medicines by accessing Acuitas' clinically verified LNP technology, employed in the efficacious Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine. By gaining access to Pfizer's extensive global network and financial resources through this alliance, Acuitas is better positioned to attract further partnerships or commercialize its LNP technology. The transaction could lead to further research and development and increased interest in LNP technology, which would benefit other LNP market participants.

Vaccine Delivery Devices Market Report Scope



Forecast Period

2023 to 2030

Historical Data Available for

2018 to 2022

Market Analysis

US$ Million for Value

Key Regions Covered

  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Europe
  • South Asia & Pacific
  • East Asia
  • The Middle East & Africa  

Key Countries Covered

  • United States
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Russia
  • China
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • India
  • Thailand
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • GCC Countries
  • South Africa  

Key Market Segments Covered

  • Device
  • Route of Administration
  • Region

Key Companies Profiled

  • Becton Dickinson & Company
  • Bioject Medical Technologies, Inc.
  •  Inovio Pharmaceutical Inc.
  • PharmaJet
  • Vaxxas
  • Gerresheimer AG
  • Corium International, Inc.
  • 3M

Report Coverage

  • Market Forecast
  • Company Share Analysis
  • Competition Intelligence
  • DROT Analysis
  • Market Dynamics and Challenges
  • Strategic Growth Initiatives  

Customization & Pricing

Available upon request

Vaccine Delivery Devices Market Research Segmentation

By Device:

  • Syringes
  • Jet Injectors
  • Other Devices

By Route of Administration:

  • Intradermal
  • Intramuscular
  • Subcutaneous
  • Other

By Region:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • East Asia
  • South Asia & Oceania
  • Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa

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Companies Covered in This Report

  • Becton Dickinson & Company
  • Bioject Medical Technologies, Inc.
  •  Inovio Pharmaceutical Inc.
  • PharmaJet
  • Vaxxas
  • Gerresheimer AG
  • Corium International, Inc.
  • 3M

Frequently Asked Questions

The market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.1% during the projected period.

The vaccine delivery devices market was valued at USD 5,160.0 million in 2023.

The United States held the largest market share in 2023.

The prominent players in the market are Becton Dickinson & Company, Bioject Medical Technologies, Inc., Inovio Pharmaceutical Inc., PharmaJet, Vaxxas, Gerresheimer AG, SCHOTT AG, Corium International, Inc., 3M, and others.

The intramuscular segment is expected to grow fastest during the forecast period.

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