Could You Tap the Frequency of Diabetes? Persistence Market Research Answers it with Human Insulin

Published On : Sep 11, 2020

The human insulin market to reach higher strides between 2020 and 2030. This could be attributed to the ever-increasing incidences of diabetes along with rising obesity all across. The sedentary lifestyle could be rendered as culprit herein.

Pen devices are being introduced with safety pen needles to deliver insulin effectively. These are the factors catalysing the home insulin market going forward. The demand for biosimilar drugs (due to cost-effectiveness on floor) is also driving the human insulin market.

Plus, synthetic human insulin is creating ripples in the market. It is an outcome of recombinant DNA technology. As of now, zillions of people suffering from diabetes make use of synthetic insulin for regulating blood sugar levels. Either yeast or bacteria are used for making synthetic insulin.

How Many Types Of Insulin Could You Lay Your Hands On?

The type of insulin to be used depends on the type of diabetes contracted coupled with the blood sugar levels throughout the day. Right now, the market houses 1 inhaled insulin with 5 kinds of injectable insulins.

  • Rapid-Acting Insulin: As the name suggests, it starts working within 15 minutes of administration and the effect lasts for 2-4 hours. It could be Apidra, Humalog, and Novolog. There are also 3 insulin analogs – Lyspro, Glulisine, and Aspart, which do not take more than 5-10 minutes for entering the bloodstream.
  • Regular Insulin: It starts getting effective after 30 minutes of injection and lasts for 3-6 hours. Novolin R is a type of regular insulin.
  • Intermediate-Acting Insulin: This type shows results after 1-2 hours of injection and lasts for 12 hours. Novolin N is an example of intermediate-acting insulin.
  • Long-Acting Insulin: This type shows results after 2-4 hours of injection and lasts for a day (24 hours). Levemir and Lantus, Basaglar are examples of intermediate-acting insulin.
  • Ultra-Long-Acting Insulin: This kind of insulin shows results after 6 hours of injection and lasts for 36-42 hours. Tresiba and Toujeo are examples.
  • Inhaled Insulin: Afrezza is an example of inhaled human insulin drug. It shows effect after 12-15 minutes and lasts for 3 hours.

How about Keeping the Blood Sugar Levels Consistent?

Basal insulin, better known as “background insulin”, is suggested by experts for maintaining consistency in blood sugar levels. 1 to 2 intakes are recommended per day, especially if the patient is not eating, so that sugar could be transformed into energy more effectively.

Also, it’s advisable to inhale synthetic human insulin instead of injecting it under the skin as the latter method takes time to for getting absorbed.

Which Geographies Will Turn The Tide In Favour Of Human Insulin?

Asia-Pacific is expected to be the torchbearer as The International Diabetes Federation has confirmed that more than 60% of diabetic patients are spotted herein, especially China and India.

North America and Europe stand second and third respectively.

Competitive Landscape

The key players in the human insulin market are inclusive of Sanofi Aventis, SemBioSys, Novo Nordisk, Wockhardt, Biocon, Eli Lilly, Julphar, and GSK.

Human Insulin Market

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