Covid-19 to be a “Transpiring Factor” for Blood Plasma Market?

Published On : Sep 24, 2020

Persistence Market Research states that the global blood plasma market will scale new heights between 2020 and 2030.

The current scenario is such that technological advancements with regards to therapeutic protein drug development have gone ahead with treatment of a broad spectrum of clinical indications like cancers, inflammation/autoimmunity, genetic disorders, and haematology. This is evident from the recently approved plasma-derived therapeutic proteins by the US FDA. This factor is expected to take the blood plasma market to greater strides in the years to come.

Plasma makes close to 55% of blood. There are over 700 proteins contained in blood plasma, which are imperative for proper functioning of human body. Blood plasma does serve as an excellent medium related to exchange of nutrients, proteins, and hormones to various body parts. The vital proteins found in blood plasma include immunoglobulin and albumin. They are administered as major ingredients for regulating body fluids and clearing the clots. As such, blood plasma is being increasingly used for patients suffering from liver ailments. This is bound to witness an increase in the demand for transfusions of blood plasma, thereby bolstering the market going forward.

The Latest Findings in Blood Plasma Market

Research states that haemorrhage accounts for close to 30-40% of trauma-related deaths. Timely infusion of blood plasma could reduce this mortality by atleast 10%. Around 6 Mn people all over the US do have unruptured brain aneurysm. As such, they need substantial plasma transfusion for preventing casualties. This increase in the usage of plasma coupled with RBCs (Red Blood Cells) and platelets for minimizing ill-effects of haemorrhage is expected to give an impetus to the blood plasma market going forward.

Also, the government of the US, along with American Red Cross, is taking initiatives regarding creation of awareness pertaining to significance of blood donation to treat people suffering from coagulation disorders, haemophilia, hemostatis, and other blood-related ailments.

Germany is expected to come up as a lucrative market on the count of blood plasma in the near future due to growth in utilization of blood plasma derivatives for treating patients suffering from complex ailments (like the ones mentioned above).

Blood Plasma Transfusion: A lifeline for Covid-19-infected Patients

Though relentless efforts are being made to combat Covid-19, the medical fraternity is relying on the very first course of treatment – the infusion of purified plasma in blood. Prior to this, plasma-derived therapy was successfully used for treating patients when avian flu and Ebola had spread. On the similar lines, Takeda, a drug maker based in Japan, announced that it is into development of new-fangled coronavirus drug that would be derived from blood plasma of the ones who have fully recovered from this pandemic. The idea is that antibodies that recovered patients develop is likely to strengthen the new patients’ immune system.

Blood Plasma Market to Boost Plasma Fractionation, Plasma Feed

Shortage of blood plasma calls for plasma feed, which is derived from the animals and found to be highly nutritious (rich in protein). It is reported to outperform the kinds of vegetable protein as well. The outbreak of Covid-19 has resulted in an exponential increase in demand for plasma feed and the status quo is expected to stay unchanged in the forecast period as well.

Besides, plasma fractionation is something to watch out for. The entire process of extraction, purification, and separation of proteins from plasma helps in numerous medical and therapeutic applications. The criteria of fractionation include temperature, ionic strengths, and pH levels. The segregated products then undergo numerous physical and mechanical treatments for inactivation of virus. They are sterile filtration, ultrafiltration, chromatography centrifugation, heat treatment, solvent/detergent treatment, and nano filtration. This fractionation process is expected to expedite in the upcoming period in the wake of Covid-10 crisis.

Disposable Blood Bags to See a Brighter Light of the Day

Increase in blood donation programs due to increasing awareness coupled with Covid-19 crisis is likely to result in growth in production of disposable blood bags further. Additionally, with social distancing in place, hospitals as well as governments are pestering for usage of disposable bags, so as to avoid cross-contamination. Therefore, it could be inferred that blood plasma market is expected to go hand-in-hand with disposable blood bags.

Competitive Edges

The key participants in the blood plasma market include European Blood Alliance, German Red Cross, Italian Red Cross, Red Cross Society of China, French Red Cross, American Association of Blood Banks, American Red Cross, America’s Blood Centers, Brazilian Red Cross, Japanese Red Cross, Saudi Red Crescent Authority, and Indian Red Cross.

How would the Regions Respond?

The world at large is battling Covid-19 crisis. Though North America is leading with blood-related diseases at its peak, Covid-19 scare has added to the demand for blood plasma. Europe and Asia-Pacific are also not behind. Latin America is also catching up with Brazil topping the charts. This trend is bound to continue till the end of 2020.